Tag: driving tips

February 13, 2018 Chris White No comments exist

So, is this our future? Tolls to drive the speed limit nearing $50 one way? We’re getting close and these Express lanes are spreading. I’ve been using the new ones on the Veteran’s Expressway in Tampa. They are currently free while the Toll Authority is testing them. But the prospects of being priced out of…

December 26, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

The new “Express” lanes have opened on the Veteran’s Expressway here in Tampa. For those of you not familiar with “Express” lanes, these are new lanes added to help keep traffic moving at speed during high use times. How do they accomplish this feat? By charging an additional toll on top of the toll you…

November 20, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

During and after a recent repaving of a major road near where I live in North Tampa; all of the traffic sensors in the road needed to be reinstalled. What that meant is a return to the bad old days of traffic lights changing based strictly on time; a minute for you a minute for…

September 13, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

Well, Irma has come and gone, the only things left are toppled trees, no power, heat, and the crazy drivers. Just because we had a hurricane doesn’t mean that the rules of the road no longer apply. If anything, the rules of the road should be followed even more closely. If the traffic light is…

July 27, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

Well, my two week west coast trip has come to an end; as well as any type of driving sanity. When did stop signs and red lights become optional? Maybe it’s always been this way in Florida and I just never noticed because I’ve been here so long, 30 years. I’m going back to my…

June 12, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

6/9/17 Is it an Innovation if no one Knows? What? A driving innovation from Florida. Well… it’s here in Florida (Tampa) anyway. Traffic lights with a left turn arrow have different settings depending on the intersection. One version has a green left turn arrow which means you can make a “protected” left turn; there should…

June 11, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

Let’s Get Started with a Tip Here’s a driving tip that may only help me. I drive an old Honda Element that has a standard transmission. While I’m sitting in traffic waiting for the red light to change I push in the clutch and put my other foot over the gas. That means my brake…