Month: June 2017

June 17, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

It’s as simple as this “V(x,p) = v(x)w(p).” Got it? Where V is value and x is a possible outcome…..Ahhh!!!!! This is how tolls work in Florida if you are driving a rental car. The companies are all different except that they are all owned by one another. So check the toll chart for your…

June 12, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

6/9/17 Is it an Innovation if no one Knows? What? A driving innovation from Florida. Well… it’s here in Florida (Tampa) anyway. Traffic lights with a left turn arrow have different settings depending on the intersection. One version has a green left turn arrow which means you can make a “protected” left turn; there should…

June 11, 2017 Chris White No comments exist

Let’s Get Started with a Tip Here’s a driving tip that may only help me. I drive an old Honda Element that has a standard transmission. While I’m sitting in traffic waiting for the red light to change I push in the clutch and put my other foot over the gas. That means my brake…